
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Grapefruit-Coconut Oatmeal

I first stumbled upon a recipe for grapefruit oatmeal on Pinterest (imagine that!), and I was initially skeptical. I have never used citrus in my oatmeal before, and I had a hard time imagining how those segments of bitter juice would mesh with an earthy bowl of porridge.

Well, I'm here to tell you that they mesh beautifully. Even more impressively, after I dropped the segments in and stirred, they broke into their tiny, individual pockets of juice, which resulted in every spoonful having an equal dose of grapefruit! In fact, this bowl of oatmeal has actually become one of my all-time favorites!

Grapefruit-Coconut Oatmeal

by The Oatmeal Artist
Prep Time: 4 min
Cook Time: 5 min
Ingredients (serves 1)
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
  • 1/2 a grapefruit
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  • shredded coconut and honey for topping
  1. Prep your grapefruit.
  2. Bring coconut milk (I sometimes use half-coconut milk, half-water) to a boil. Add oats and reduce heat to medium. I also add a spoonful of milled flax at the same time as my oats.
  3. Cut/spoon out segments of half a grapefruit and add to your saucepan. Stir until the segments begin breaking apart.
  4. Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add about a 1/4 tsp. each of ground ginger (and/or nutmeg) and cinnamon. Nutmeg is commonly paired with grapefruit, but I don't really like it, so I generally don't include it.
  5. If you'd like to add any additional ingredients (coconut oil, dried fruit, nuts, sunflower seeds), do so now.
  6. When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Serve with another splash of coconut milk, some shredded coconut, and a drizzle of honey (you can obviously skip this to keep it vegan).
  7. *You can use the coconut milk from the can, but it will taste best with coconut milk from a carton, such as the Silk brand. The "original" varieties are best because they have the strongest coconut flavor. I find the unsweetened variety to taste a little watery and bland.
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No-Coconut Grapefruit Oatmeal: Feel free to skip the coconut and use almond or soy milk instead.

Grapefruit-Coconut Oatmeal with Pineapple

**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!


  1. Oh my goodness! So, I randomly put some grapefruit on my oatmeal a few weeks ago, and I was pleasantly surprised by how tasty it was. I haven't taken it to this level though, but I'm glad to discover this is actually a "thing" and I'm not totally out of my mind. [Well, any more than usual, of course. ;)]

    1. Amazing, right?! I was shocked, too! (P.S. I tried it again this morning with HONEY drizzled over it. A whole new party in my mouth.)

  2. I love grapefuit and coconut, and I love oatmeal, so this is a recipe I'll make as soon as possible! Love your website, btw!

    1. Yes! Try it out! You will be amazed. :) And thanks!

  3. Wow! I just want to say, your website looks AMAZING!!!!! I just recently started looking at oatmeal as something other than "healthy food" that doesn't taste good; in reality it can be absolutely delicious! I especially love adding banana and peanut butter. I can't wait to start making some of your recipes! They look really great!
    Quick question: does the grapefruit make the oatmeal incredibly bitter? Or does it make it more flavorful than straight up bitter?

    1. Thanks so much! To answer your question, no, the grapefruit surprisingly sweetens the oatmeal and leaves a very pleasant taste. I expected it to be bitter as well, but it wasn't. I also recommend topping with honey, which will also sweeten it nicely. :)

  4. Ok, I know this is a really old post, but just wondering -- and I guess you might not know but maybe another reader would -- if you use plain old milk, does it sort of get curdled by the grapefruit?

    1. Hmm...I don't *think* so, but I haven't tried it. I've made it with almond milk, but not cow's milk. My guess is no, but I could definitely be wrong!

  5. I love oatmeal and eat it every morning for breakfast (and sometimes lunch!) so finding your blog was awesome!

    I tried this grapefruit oatmeal recipe and thought it was only ok. I was surprised that the grapefruit wasn't sour or tart. I even tried it twice, the second time using a whole grapefruit, not just half, and it still didn't really have any grapefruit flavor. Oh well, it was a fun experiment.

    I posted about this on my blog at

    JessicaHK of Blog-Inspired Cooking

    1. Really?? It's one of my absolute favorites. What variety of grapefruit did you use?

  6. I like this recipe!! It's so refreshingly different. However, my biggest problem is cutting the grapefruit. I just make a mess and waste a lot of the fruit by not cutting it right.. I guess I'll just have to work on that! But I was wondering if you can save the rest of the grapefruit... Perhaps already segmented to save te hassle on quick mornings and store it in the fridge?

    1. I usually store the other half (unsegmented) in a Tupperware container (with a lid) in the fridge and it keeps for a couple days (maybe even 3). However, I have also segmented it and stored the segments in the fridge for later, so to answer your question, YES!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've been eating grapefruit oatmeal for a couple months now but not until idly Googling "grapefruit oatmeal" and landing here did I realize other sane humans dared eat it. The coconut sounds great; I just bought a couple pounds of chips (prefer them to shredded) and can't wait to add them in the morning. And your other recipes look fantastic, too.

    1. Yes, it's definitely unusual, but those who try it never look back! Thanks.

  9. I have 2 and a half grapefruits left, red, white and pink... Which one should I use? :D I love coconut and grapefruit. Gotta try it!

  10. 3 Researches PROVE How Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally burn fat by eating Coconut Fats (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from major medical journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
