
Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Hello, happy people! Or unhappy people. I don't discriminate.

Like I mentioned last week, I'm digging farmer's markets lately. It's my new weekend hobby. I absolutely love living in Manhattan and having such easy access to so many markets. It's kind of like this:

Anyway, I have been using the farmer's market as inspiration for my oatmeal recipes. My list of recipe ideas is pretty much a mile long, and being the indecisive person that I am, it's a tad overwhelming to select which recipes to make that week. Using the ingredients that are available at the market alleviates the stress of that decision.

(Yes, I have intense decision-making problems. You should have seen me trying to decide what hashtag I should use for this post.)

This is a habit I have been trying to develop for about four years, ever since I watched Food, Inc. and read various books and blogs about food culture. However, this is the first time that I've had regular access to such large and diverse markets, making it far more convenient for me to commit to them.

Maybe you feel similar to how I did. I mean, living in Brooklyn, I had plenty of farmer's markets to choose from--I just made excuses (I don't want to take the bus! I don't want to carry all of those bags that far! etc.). OR maybe you've never been to a farmer's market and you don't know what you're missing.

I challenge YOU to haul yourself (and a reusable bag, if you have one) to your local farmer's market. Buy an ingredient you can use for your morning oatmeal. Then, after you make your oatmeal, post a picture of it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #FarmFreshOatmeal and a caption that says which ingredient you bought from the farmer's market.

Example: "Nutty 'Nana Berry Oatmeal made with blueberries from the farmer's market! #FarmFreshOatmeal #oatmealartist"

Every couple of weeks, I will make a post sharing my favorite pictures from you!

GO! GET OUT THERE! This is the perfect season for farmer's market produce.

Oh, and P.S. Using produce from your own garden, or a friend or neighbor's, also counts. :)
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely idea! Farmers markets are amazing and don't get nearly enough appreciation, thank you for drawing attention to them!

    (And I will head out to the market first thing tomorrow morning!)
