
Monday, May 14, 2012


Hello! I've returned from California. It was such a blast!

I didn't check my email the entire time I was gone, and I was so pleased to come home to so many new blog comments, as well as my lemon poppy seed oatmeal being posted on Healthy Aperture! Hurray!

Can you guess what I missed the most while I was gone?

Yep, oatmeal. I felt like something was missing from my life every single morning. Naturally, the first thing I did upon arriving back at my apartment in South Dakota was whip up a bowl of grapefruit oatmeal, using the grapefruit I bought from the farmer's market in Poway!

I'm continuing to work on updating all the pictures in my blog posts. You may notice that the older ones have far worse quality than the newer ones. :) Since getting home last night, I've already updated the pictures for grapefruit oatmeal and chocolate strawberry oatmeal.

I'm also planning on including ingredients lists in my recipes. I've put it off for a while, but I feel like it's necessary, especially with my more complex recipes.

And finally, I have an extensive list of new recipes to try! I also have a savory oatmeal recipe coming in the very near future. Get excited! ;)
    **You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

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